We got in to Dusseldorf late, so we got bumped to a later Berlin flight which we are now waiting for at the gate. Everything is mildly unsettling, like I'm in a parallel universe out of phase by a half-step with our own, or like I'm in a foreign country. The second in-flight movie ("Ice Age") had a translucent "FOX" logo in the bottom right corner of the screen. Did they tape it off a television broadcast? Could they not afford the DVD? My cell phone has no signal, which either means T-Mobile lied when they said I didn't have to do anything to make it work or that there's just no signal in this particular spot. The guy working the x-ray machine asked for my tickets, and when I handed him my ticket holder he pulled out not my airline tickets but my World Cup tickets. He then went through them announcing to the airport which games I was attending, and shouting to some Italian security guy across the way that I had Italy tickets. I've seen two Starbucks and a two-story McDonalds here in the terminal, and every establishment that serves carbonated beverages (so far) serves Coke. God bless America.
posted by Scott @ 6/09/2006 10:21:00 PM ||