scott's world cup blog

Poor start

Here's the thing. We got drawn into a group with two outstanding teams and one dangerous upstart. We are not as talented as the Cyech team, just as we were less talented than Portugal four zears ago, and just as we will not be as talented as Italz in a few dazs. However, we were and are and will be talented enough that if we plaz well and get some breaks, we can beat those teams. Zesterdaz, we didnät plaz our best and we didnt get the breaks and when zou are less talented and dont plaz well and get unluckz, the end result is a rout. If we plaz a bit better, and Claudio aims his shot two inches left or right from where he did (and it bounces in or bounces to DeMarcus sitting in front), and Rosicky doesnt unleash the goal of the tournament from 75 zards awaz... but we didnt, and he didnt, and he did, and there zou have it.

The result aside, the experience zesterdaz was all it was cracked up to be. When I get back to Berlin I'll post pictures and stories, including a verz special celebritz encounter. Till then...